
New Castle Party compilation


As in the past few years, this time Big Blue Records is also to release a compilation including 16 tracks of the artists who will perform at this year's festival edition.

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Straight into the night...


"Straight into the night" is a story by Piotr Mirski, author who is accompanied with Castle Party team. Post apocaliptic vision of Poland, the land wasted by the Plague, where the couple of wanderers Maja and Paul is steping into the dangerus advanture full of sex, fear and strong emotions. After the journey over the Poland they finally got to Bolkow, small town famous for Castle Party festival. On the Castle, where not long ago Atari Teenage Riot have played their gig they are into a dangerous advanture. What happened? Check it out...

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Information about tickets


We have been receiving more and more enquiries about the tickets so we would like to tell you to stay at peace. The festival tickets are available for purchase at the castle and there is no danger that we will run out of them, thus please, do not worry about that.

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We have a new media supporter - Przesilenie - a new Polish zin taking up issues of dark independent culture and music. The first edition brings a great deal of good music and culture, and, first of all, several pages dedicated to the Castle Party Festival. You will be able to purchase Przesilenie during the festival, by now we recommend you can visit the website Enjoy!

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Special Castle Party Video greetings from Umbra et Imago


The band Umbra Et Imago ended in 2010 their realise activity with album "Opus Magnus", but according to previous announcement they didn’t stop touring. This year on July, 23-rd (Saturday) Umbra Et Imago on 20th anniversary of its origin, after 7 years once again will perform on Bolków Castle Party Festival (as you already know well).

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First promo clip


Vampire – such is the name of the first clip in the series of promotional videos for CP 2011 based on the Tadeusz Miciński’s poetry. "In the shadow of stars pt.1" – we bid you to see it!

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