Hieros Gamos in Hacjenda Club
Hieros Gamos is side line project of slovak band - LAHKA MUZA from 2002. It's pure electro/gothic music with nice visual live show. Debut album was published at 2006 under title Fetish Remix.

More alternative music: Śmiałek
2011-01-18Śmiałek is an alternative rock band established in Cracow, Poland, in 2005 by the actor and vocalist Karol Śmiałek and director, lyricist and composer Paweł Szarek. Śmiałek is difficult to label as a genre, preferring the category they coined themselves – Rock Berlin Kabarett Theatre. They are also sometimes called an "industrial kabarett" or "electro rock kabarett".
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Gothic rock electro from Poland: monoLight
2011-01-02monoLight came to life as an effect of cooperation between musicians formerly known from bands like Co.In. or d'Archangel. Music of the band is a mixture of spacious electronics and dark guitar riffs supported by heavy and dynamic rhythm section.
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Gallery update
2010-12-26To make the awaiting for the next festival more pleasant, we have partly updated the gallery. We have placed more photos of the castle, we have supplemented the 2009 gallery and added the official 2010 gallery. You are welcome to see the pictures!
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Spragnione czułości (Eager for tenderness)
During the last year's edition of the Castle Party Jerzy Jernas, one of the pioneers of Polish off cinema, made a short documentary film "Spragnione czulosci" ("Eager for tenderness)", in which ladies attending the festival talk about themselves, their desires, dreams and wishes. The document, all in dreamy sort of atmosphere, presents the gothic subculture in a different light. Movie can be watched here.

For the fans of electro-rock: The Cuts
2010-12-24The Cuts make music of a so-called electro-rock style. The band was founded in 2006 in Pila. After two years of making songs, giving concerts and studio work, in 2008 the group has signed a contract with SP Records label.
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