2012-02-09For all the ones who are sure that between 27th and 29th July 2012 they will be roaming around Bolków at the 19th editiion of the Castle Party Festival, we enclose a link,show,519,castle-party-festival-2012.html. Upon clicking the given link, one will be able to order and but original tickets, as well as ticket booklets to our festival.
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Alien Sex Fiend at Castle Party 2012!
2011-10-28Alien Sex Fiend, over the years has published a long and musically diverse discography. Maneuvring with ease between heavy industrial and all-about experimental ambient stylistics. Every fan of Alien Sex Fiend will certainly be pleased with the news that this extremely original band has confirmed their participation in the forthcoming, in less than nine months, festival Castle Party 2012!
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Thank you for your votes, which we recived almost 4000! On their basis, we invited the following bands:

Deathcamp Project - another band to be confirmed
2011-09-13Another band booked is Deathcamp Project, a representative of the Polish dark independent scene, well known and liked also outside of their home territory.Their fantastic new single No Cure which premiered at this year's edition of Castle Party was a good indication of what awaits us on their soon to be released, new album.
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Next portion of the confirmed bands to perform at Castle Party 2012!
2011-09-12Good news follow up. The next bands who have already confirmed their concerts at CP in 2012 are: Electro/gothic representatives of dark, danceable sounds flowing straight from Berlin, known as Blutengel. The Guru of the aggressive sort of genre, hard electro, the Mexican duo Hocico. Swedish masters of neofolk sounds Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio. Merciful Nuns - the single-person project of Artaud Seth, ex-vocalist and leader of the legendary group, Garden Of Delight. The musical mixture labeled as gothic rock will be provided by Polish alternative projects – Smiałek and Deathcamp Project. For those who like electronics mingled with rock tunes we have neighbours from Belorus, the band Cold In May. Whilst fans of slightly heavier sounds should be happy to hear the German deathrock formation Bloody Dead and Sexy. Next information will appear soon...
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Combichrist - only one show in 2012 in Poland!
2011-08-30This is not a joke but a confirmed piece of information! You have chosen yourselves - the headliner of the next year's, 19th edition of Castle Party will be... an absolut must-see for each and every enthusiast of heavy, harsh and loud music suitable for all sorts of dancing madness - Combichrist!
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