Hello!Today we have some great news for you!
First of all: we're starting to sell tickets for Castle Party 2022 and at the same time we'd like to inform you that at your request we'll be selling tickets mainly online, so there won't be any confusion like last year when we had to keep adding more and more tickets. The prices of everything have gone up everywhere, we are trying to keep them as reasonable as possible and in order not to lose you instead of making a limited pool of tickets in a very limited edition we are giving you a better option. You have time till December 5th to buy tickets in the best price variant - additionally, if you're tempted, when exchanging electronic ticket for festival wristband you'll get "company" cup and lanyard:)
All information about tickets you'll find here: https://castleparty.com/bilety.html
Have a look at our FAQ on this page, because we've gathered there answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Secondly: we're happy to present you a clip from this year's edition of Castle Party! There's not much to say, just watch it!:)