Dear friends of Castle Party,This is a very difficult time for all of us; a vicious virus has put us in an unusual and unfortunate position.
We did everything we could to make this year’s edition of the festival possible, but the reality has disrupted our plans. We need to keep both feet on the ground, so with the heavy heart, taking into account the safety of our guests, bands and festival crew, we must, unfortunately, postpone Castle Party to 8-11 July 2021.
This is by far the most difficult decision we had to make in the whole history of the festival, especially since this year's edition was already sewed up and, just like yourselves, we were counting the days until its start.
As organizers, we promise that we do everything in our power to keep the lineup of the festival intact. Still, we need to take into account some minor changes, as such a distant date might not be suitable for some of the bands. We will keep you informed in case of any changes in the lineup.
Last but not least, we would like to ask you a favor. As you know, Castle Party is a niche and unique festival. Our budget is quite limited. Without your help, the festival might not survive, because postponing it until next year is a very big expense. This is why we would like to ask you to keep already bought tickets, as they will be still valid next year. And if you don’t have your tickets yet, please buy them. This way you could really help us.
Let our celebration of dark music last!
In the meantime, please take good care of yourselves. Don’t be a stranger on our Facebook group and Discord channel, so we can keep in touch:)
Most importantly, see you all at Castle Party 2021!
1. I already have a ticket for Castle Party 2020. Will it still be valid in 2021?
Yes. All purchased tickets will be still valid and you will be able to take part in Castle Party 2021.
2. I won’t be able to come to Castle Party 2021. How can I return my ticket?
Please contact Biletin [email protected].
3. Will the already revealed bands play the next year?
We are in touch with the bands and most of them have already confirmed that they would play during next year’s edition. Of course, it’s possible that some bands would need to forgo their participation in Castle Party 2021, but we will inform you about it and we will surely find a good replacement.
4. Can I support you in any way?
Yes. There are a few ways to do so:
- Firstly, please keep your already bought ticket
- Secondly, if you don’t have your ticket yet, please buy it at https://www.biletin.pl/en/festiwal/castle-party-festival-2020-bolkow/8111/bilety.html