For the last few editions of the festival there has been at least one concert taking place in the exquisite Bolkow Church. This year we go on with this tradition and we invite you to attend the show of a German project Other Day. To enter the concert, the additional separate ticket is required (the carnet does not authorize you to attend the show). You need to purchase it at the cash desk outside the castle. Other Day were formed in summer of 1995. Vocalist and instrumentalist Sad (vocals) started to write the first compositions before Mike Bornschein (synth) and Niha (cello) joined and supported them in forming their very own style. They actually created their own musical vision combined with dark wave and a devotion to Romanticism and classical elements.They catched a huge attention with their performance at the 7th Wave Gotik Treffen in Leipzig, later at the "Herbstnächte". Wherever they played live they left an audience which was convinced and couldn't await the release of their debut CD, which finally saw the light in late March 98: "Fatum"
In early 2001, Other Day have finished the recordings for their second full-length album Secidan and they really made a step forward in the songwriting skills. Dark romantic sounds, electronically touched, far beyond any clichés, sung in german, english and French.
It took them less than a year to start recording a new (yet untitled) album which shall be released in late spring/early summer of 2003. Taking the song "Secrecy" which they recorded for the Compilation "Songs Of Pain" and the further, yet only live performed, tracks another big progress in the band's songwriting skills can be expected.
"Karmapolis" is a call back of such important happenings. The "Karma" - the current destiny which you live this exact moment being influenced by previous actions - is not settled in a certain place, it can be anywhere, in your mind, in your actions. "Polis" - the town - represents the place of previous actions; the place in which your responsibilities are based. The philosophical idea behind this thought is an important matter on "Karmapolis"
It is obvious that Other Day wish to tell their stories from their very intimate point of view in a very emotional mood. Even though there is no real "subject" the band wants to talk about, it’s far more compact than the previous release. The suppressed feelings fight their way out, force the single artists to give his best.
During the recordings which took no less than a year in Jena based studio HiomH they interrupted their works to perform various festivals such as GothAM in Amsterdam, Netherland or Bolkow Festival in Poland. Those breaks gave them the opportunity to reach a distance to their own creations and reflect them in a different light.
"Karmapolis I" and "II" for example show complete different results, based on the thought or act behind the initial idea. Here the Prologue, straight to the point, warm and moody, there the Epilogue, the chain reaction, the final cry full of bizarre sound creations - the open end.
In between Other Days existance is embedded. They already gave evidance (with the track "Secrecy" on "Songs Of Pain") that meanwhile the "classical" song is in the foreground - free of musical fashions or trends - surrounded by distant electronical tunes.
Sads emotional vocals, his intense lyrics makes this album an outstanding peice of music in which the open minded listener can find his very own story.
Even after a dozen or years of history the Naumburg trio are unobtrusive and fresh on today’s scene, presenting their unique brand of classic Romantic Wave with all the twists and turns the fans love.